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About Me
My bin on the 'net

Me. A name. I call myself... shoot me now!

OK, so I'll just pretend you want to read this:
Larry. That's my name. I live in Colorado. Where green means "go," yellow means "step on it," and red means "you've got another five seconds." Yes, the drivers here suck at understanding street signals... badly. Excellent example (if you ever take a wrong turn around here) is at 120th & Huron in Westminster. Rush hours are just classic. If I get a weekday off, I just might take a lawn chair & watch the entertainment. There may be laws on Colorado's books about not causing gridlock, or at least not running a red light, but I have yet to see any practical proof of this. Even a citation from the photo vans go largely ignored.
I was born in California (though I evade that in public conversation). Ah, Cali... where you can't see your neighbor across the street for all the smog (yet shaking your next-door neighbor's hand during breakfast while sitting at your kitchen table is "no problemo"), and the politicians in the bay area flat refuse to widen 101 between San Jose & Morgan Hill... bastards!
Raised in Montana (Big Sky country). It's not a flea-bitten state: They don't willingly move there. I graduated high school in Helena. There's not much else in Montana to comment on.

Do I work for a living? Well, yeah... I was at Sun Microsystems until the veritable pink-slip came in November 2001. The whole department of 60 (nation-wide) was deemed 'redundant'. I enjoyed every minute of my time there though. After seven months on the job-hunt I've learned that unemployment is a hassle not worth my time, and health benefits are a good thing. I had gone through temp agencies until I found a permanent gig again. The hours ain't banker's, but the customers are seldom inclined to rant at me, so that's refreshing... and it definitely beats the alternative.


A recent sighting

So I'm chatting with some ditz that IMs me out of the blue, and she asks to see a picture of yours truly (I should have just known something was up). Well, being behind a LAN's firewall (maybe I'll throw some drivel in here on sharing Dial-Up connections later), I can't send a pic to her so I tell her to find it here. Here's the pic anyway. So be honest here; Is that the most lily white-assed gringo honkey cracker mo-fo you've ever seen? I need to go outside more often...


What I watch:
Occasionally catch Jay Leno or TechTV. At least, I did when I was an unemployed bastard. Now I just work.

What I listen to:
When I can I listen to most things loud. Examples are POD, Disturbed, one or two from System of a Down, I'll even subject myself to small doses of 'house'. Of course there's the old favorites; Aerosmith, Beethoven, AC/DC, De Bussy, occasional Queensryche, Mozart, and Megadeth. Essentially, if it's not "Kun-tree" or silly cRap, I'll give it a listen.

What I read:
Tom Clancy should be a reading requirement in high school. I've read many of his books (though there's a large gap in time from the last novel I finished and the Net-Force/Ops-Center series I 've started in on). Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan; Nine thick volumes, nice. If you like J.R.R. Tolkien, then you probably have already heard of Jordan.

Movies? Oh sure:
The Matrix, Frighteners, Tombstone, Gone in 60 Seconds, True Lies, Final Fantasy, Moving, and getting really old & likely lost forever, The Whoopee Boys. Check the memorable lines section on that one.